Tuesday, January 30, 2007

roo is a lime

roo is about the size of a large lime, and measures approximately 1.75 to 2.4 inches from head to bum (weighing roughly three-tenths of an ounce)! roo's head is about half of its total length. it's getting big!!! also roo is now officially a fetus. embryo no more!!!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

baby rupon already has a best friend!!

oh my gosh!!! just found out that one of my bestest friends is expecting her first baby on 8/19!!! congrats krissy and jeff! you know these babies are aready best friends!!! so exciting!!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


learned today that i'm still anemic even though i've been eating meat again for a few years. so in addition to the 2 pre-natal vitamins and horse-pill calcium vitamin i already have to take daily i need to add a horse-pill iron pill to the mix. fun! in other news i told my boss today and i am telling my team tomorrow. it's a few weeks earlier than people normally tell the masses, however i have officially reached the phase where i cry at the drop of a hat. i don't want them to think i'm crazy if i burst into tears at work! it's been hard enough not to tell with the morning sickness!

Monday, January 22, 2007

so cute

baby snoopy and baby woodstock

Sunday, January 21, 2007

roo is sad

pats lost :( roo really likes football

Saturday, January 20, 2007

vintage snoopy nursery

even though we have no idea where roo will be born, we have already started shopping for the nursery. we're going with a vintage snoopy and peanuts thing, using primary colors, especially red and granny smith green. of course this is not a style you can just buy at target or babies r us. we are piecing together things from ebay and other ad hoc places. it's going to be so cool once it's all assembled! here are some of the cool things we've assembled so far:
more to come i'm sure!

nasty nurse needle nightmare

i forgot to post the worst part of the ob/gyn appointment yesterday... they had to take blood. for most people, no big deal. not me.. the thought of blood makes me sick (even when i'm not pregnant!) i feel sick when i see signs advertising blood drives or when the blood truck drives by me on the highway. for days before the appointment i stressed about the blood. i have very uncooperative veins. normally the doctor tries a couple of times in each arm and eventually ends up taking it out of the back of my hand. (feeling woozy just typing this!) so of course the blood draw was the absolute last part of my appointment. the little old nurse was very sweet and nice. we forewarned her about my tricky veins. she tried my right arm first and seriously stuck that damn needle in 4-5 times trying to find the vein. no luck. time to try the left arm. fortunately, it only took her two pricks on the other arm before she found the vein. i hope they don't need blood every time i go in for an appointment!

morning sickness, afternoon sickness, night sickness

seriously. who had the bright idea to call it "morning sickness"? sure it's there in the morning. but it's there in the afternoon and at night too. i've been fortunate to not be vomiting, but boy have I been nauseous! basically, i have had no appetite and the thought of most foods makes me want to hurl. but unfortunately, having an empty belly makes me dry heave. catch 22 - eat and feel sick or don't eat and feel sick. when i have to force myself to eat, i have found a few things that i can tolerate most of the time. saltines and cucumbers always seem fine. tomato soup, plain pasta, plain bagels, mashed potatoes from kfc, twinkies, and fluffernutters are usually ok too. while it is important to eat healthy during pregnancy, the nurse said for the first 12 weeks to just eat whatever i can keep down! i have also developed a fondness for fruit smoothies, mostly because the thought of chewing makes me feel ill. (yeah i know. weird. but i can't explain it. stupid hormones!) the fine folks at tropical smoothie cafe will soon know jeremy and i by name! i can't stand the thought of chinese food. or pasta with sauce. or sausage. or mcdonald's cheeseburgers. or salad. chicken wings, pizza, seafood of any kind, cheese, and garlic bread too. ugh. i've started to carry around a package of saltines in my purse for emergency situations. you never know when someone near you will be eating something absolutely repulsive. jeremy had some cole slaw at friendly's... i got queasy. the other day at work someone was eating a bagel with strawberry cream cheese... i had to bust out the emergency saltines to avoid getting sick. the cafeteria at work served fish 3 straight days last week and stunk up the whole place... gag. it's especially difficult since most people don't yet know that i am pregnant. i can't just turn to the strawberry bagel guy and tell him that his cream cheese is appalling! and it's not just food that repulses me. the other day i grabbed a tissue to blow my nose. for some random reason the thought of eating tissues crossed my mind and instantly made me sick. just thinking about tissues makes me uncomfortable! thank goodness this part should be over in about 3 weeks!!!

Friday, January 19, 2007


welcome to roo's blog! roo is what we call the embryo/fetus growing inside me. it could be a boy. it could be a girl. we don't plan to find out until roo enters the world! that's why "roo" works so well. (we like the word "roo" because it is the sound a beagle makes when howling, plus it gives us a really cheesy way to incorporate our last name - "roo-pon" - hehehe.) roo and i went for our very first ob/gyn appointment today. after several hours of poking and prodding, we learned that roo is 9 weeks and 3 days old (according to the ultrasound) giving us a due date of august 21. the nurse told us if the ultrasound due date is within one week of the previously-calculated due date, they stick to the latter. so we're sticking with 8/25, but if you find yourself in a birth-day pool, i'd pick early! we also got the first pictures of roo! enjoy!! love, kiwi