Saturday, January 20, 2007

nasty nurse needle nightmare

i forgot to post the worst part of the ob/gyn appointment yesterday... they had to take blood. for most people, no big deal. not me.. the thought of blood makes me sick (even when i'm not pregnant!) i feel sick when i see signs advertising blood drives or when the blood truck drives by me on the highway. for days before the appointment i stressed about the blood. i have very uncooperative veins. normally the doctor tries a couple of times in each arm and eventually ends up taking it out of the back of my hand. (feeling woozy just typing this!) so of course the blood draw was the absolute last part of my appointment. the little old nurse was very sweet and nice. we forewarned her about my tricky veins. she tried my right arm first and seriously stuck that damn needle in 4-5 times trying to find the vein. no luck. time to try the left arm. fortunately, it only took her two pricks on the other arm before she found the vein. i hope they don't need blood every time i go in for an appointment!

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