Thursday, May 3, 2007

Jack's In the Hospital

Our oldest beagle Jack is spending the night at the hospital. He was vomiting and had really bloody diarrhea all day. We took to the vet as soon as the vet could see us. He was diagnosed with hemorrhagic enterocolitis. It sounds a lot worse than it is. Basically, his bowels are so inflamed that he is pooping blood. It can be serious if not treated, but he is getting excellent care as I write this. However, it is still scary and we are anxiously awaiting word that our special dude is doing better. We will keep everyone posted. Please keep Jackie in your thoughts. We love him very much and miss him a lot right now.


Jodi said...

i'm routing for jack on this end of the country.. i know how hard it must be. dogs are family members.. anyone who says different is clueless.

keep us posted!

Lizzy said...

Oh no! Your first baby! I hope he's okay and gets all better real soon!

Carey said...

I hope Jack gets better quickly. Boots was just at the vet for 2 days and we missed him terribly.