Monday, June 25, 2007

baby wildlife flocking to our house

so as i was getting dressed this morning i heard some really loud cooing, like a bird was right outside the window. i looked but didn't see anything. i went downstairs and peeked out the front door. sitting on our porch was a mama mourning dove and her so-ugly-it's-unbelievably-cute baby. (i did not take the pic - just found one on the net to illustrate how cute/ugly a baby mourning dove is. the person who took it takes a lot of good bird pics if you want to check it out!) then tonight, after i got home from baby school (more on that later) i looked out on the front porch again and this time there was a baby possum (aka marmot in our house) which was incredibly cute. i've never seen a baby possum up close and personal before - so cute. other than roadkill, the possum i've ever really seen up close was the beagle-sized one (i'm serious!) that would eat the cat food we left out on the porch for the feral cats at our old house. i have pics of that hideous beast on the computer upstairs but not on my laptop so i can't post them right now.
again - not my pic of a possum but very cute :)
are baby animals stalking me?

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