Friday, July 27, 2007

the looks i get

meant to include this as part of the last post... jeremy and i went to the mall last night to buy the extra car seat base. i must look like a complete freak or something because people seriously gawk at me. there was this family walking through target and i watched their two little girls' heads just turn and follow me, their eyes totally fixated on me and my massive belly. i also get a lot of really sympathetic looks from the mommies pushing their little ones in strollers. then i ran into this same lady several times in another store. she declared that roo is a girl and is coming out much sooner than 4 weeks. good to know, random christmas tree shops shopper. thanks. :)

1 comment:

EG said...

I'm totally addicted to your roo blog. Loser.

Being pregnant in a college town is fun. I noticed, especially in TCBY, the college girls looking at my belly, then immediately looking at my wedding ring finger. This could be you, girls!

My favorite, though, was at 39+ weeks in the bread aisle at Kroger. A little polite boy ran by yelling, "Excuse me FAT LADY!"