Tuesday, October 30, 2007

2 for 2 and other adhoc updates

  1. quentin slept through the night again last night, from midnight to past 8 a.m. hopefully this keeps up!
  2. we officially have day care. we have decided to go with the home day care i visited last week. i can finally cross one of the big 3 to-do items from my list (the other two being sell the richmond house and find a job.)
  3. as far as a job goes, the HR dude from the framingham office finally called me yesterday. he has a couple of roles that he thinks would suit me. he's reaching out to those hiring managers to set up a day for me to come in and talk with them. can't cross it off the list, but that's progress!
  4. i haven't blogged about it in a while because it's depressing, but my milk production issues have continued. my doctor had prescribed me something to help increase it. it worked until the prescription ran out and my supply once again dropped like a brick. it's been very frustrating and of course makes me feel like a terrible mom. i did some research and found some herbs that have been shown to increase supply. i've been taking them for about 2 weeks with no real progress. then tonight, i saw a segment on the news that said that birth control pills have caused drastic milk reduction in some nursing moms. i started taking the pill just as my milk-increasing prescription ran out. hmmmmm. guess i have a decision to make.
  5. halloween tomorrow! quentin has the cutest little piggy costume. i hope it fits, but i am afraid it will be a bit too big. if so, we've got other options since i seem to have a problem - i am addicted to buying cute little animal outfits. he's got a snoopy one, 2 cow ones, and a puppy dog one too. pictures will certainly be posted after we get back from trick or treating at aunt lois' house.
  6. don't think we'll get any trick or treaters due to the fact that we live in the country and on a busy-ish road. guess we'll have to eat all the candy. we definitely didn't already start eating it ;)
  7. i feel very domestic. since things are about to get crazy with me going back to work, i spent this afternoon developing a 2-week rotating menu for breakfast, lunch, and dinner including shopping checklist. the beauty of it is that i will only have to go grocery shopping every two weeks - the first week's menu consists of most of the fresh stuff and the second week has more frozen or canned items. i should be able to breeze through the grocery store when i do go because my list is already made. the meals are also easy to prepare so we won't feel the need to go out to eat - just can't afford that now!
  8. i'm a little late but i've got quentin's birth announcements designed. now i just need to make them. coming soon in a mailbox near you!


EG said...

You just can't feel guilty about nursing and all of that, you'll make yourself crazy. Q will be better off on formula with a sane mom than on breastmilk with a crazy crying one. I actually never got milk past the colostrum, and I would nurse, supplement, pump, cry, 8 times per day. Ridiculous. I felt better within 24 hours of quitting.

And just look at my kid, smartest kid ever and raised on formula.

The next hurdle is to not have guilt about switching to store-brand formula.

PS, make sure your doc knows about the herbs.

crankymommy said...

Wow, can you share your rotating menu? I'm very interested!

Anonymous said...

As ellen posted, do NOT worry about nursing or feel guilty! You need to do what will make you both happy. All my siblings were formula fed and 3 out of 4 are doctors. (ha ha) I am actually suprised your doc put you on the pill while feeding. i wasn't allowed to go on until i was done.

awesome news about the job and daycare. we are at an inhome daycare and we love it! it also has 5 kids and she never has more than 1 baby at a time. they get kid exposure and a lot of attention. :-)