Thursday, October 4, 2007

pack n' play all through the night!

the little doodle slept the entire night on his back in the pack n' play with minimal fussing! up until now, he's only been willing to sleep in his car seat or his swings. granted he woke up more times last night than he has been recently, but that's ok. maybe we'll get him in his crib by the end of the week when i expect his nursery, including stripes to be complete!

1 comment:

EG said...

Yay progress! We slept Will in his bouncy seat for like 6 weeks when he was sick (after he fell out of it the third time we had to give it up) and I was worried that he wouldn't go back to sleeping flat on his back, but he did no problem.
Now when we set him on his back he grabs the blanket and rolls onto his side to sleep. So cute.