Monday, October 22, 2007

thank you, please drive thru

ok, i never understood the drive-thru phenomenon. i get it for fast food, but never really understood other drive thru lanes - the bank, the dry cleaners, etc. now that i have a 15 pound kid in a 15 pound carrier, let me say i totally get it now. i had to go to CVS to pick up a prescription and the thought of lugging quentin in there for a 10 second transaction - ugh. but they have a drive-thru. wonderful!

1 comment:

EG said...

And CVS really is the worst, isn't it? The carts are too small for a carrier. I just wish I could call the drive-thru ahead to get my other items. I'd like to refill a prescription, and also get some hand soap and chap stick. Thank you.