Tuesday, November 6, 2007

random updates

  1. i've got some really cute new pics of quentin, however our home computer is messed up and not working. well actually, the mouse is not working. and this is a new mouse too, because the last mouse wasn't working either. so now we're thinking it might be the mouse port on the computer. we'll see if a usb mouse works once i go out and get one.
  2. the HR department has finally gotten back to me. i am going in on thursday to interview. not sure for which roles. they are supposed to give me a detailed schedule for thursday tomorrow.
  3. we will be giving daycare a try soon. unfortunately, the day care can't take him on thursday when i'm interviewing but i might take him on monday just to see how it goes. of course it will be infinitely harder on me than it will be on him.
  4. it might snow this weekend! just flurries but still awesome.
  5. i freaking hate benefits enrollment. i have spent the better part of two days comparing and contrasting the 3 plans capital one offers with the 6 different plans MGH offers. i have finally decided which of the 9 medical plans and 4 dental plans we're going with, how much money we're going to put into flexible spending accounts, etc. i logged in to both of our open enrollments only to find that mine is not open. buried in all the paper work capital one sent me is some form that i needed to have completed my enrollment by 10/26 because i was on maternity leave. problem is - we didn't even have jer's info at that point. guess i have some painful phone calls to make tomorrow to try and enroll. ugh. i hate HR.
  6. kinda funny that one of the roles i might be interviewing for is in the HR department :)
  7. no real updates on the richmond house but we did have 3 showings last week (encouraging) and are now really pushing renting or rent-to-own as additional options.
  8. i really dig this bulleted-list post format. i really works for my random trains of thought.
  9. no real bullet - just have to have an odd number of bullets. at least that's what the brand department always said about our credit card solicitations - that people like an odd number of bullets better than an even number. good nite!

1 comment:

EG said...

My, what a very appealing post. I would have never signed up for a Rupon credit card if you had 8 bullets.