Saturday, January 5, 2008

what's in a name?

a lot of people have asked us where we got the name quentin. some people have even thought that we just made it up. others think we must be huge "pulp fiction" fans. it's really not an exciting story - we just liked the name :) - we wanted something classic but not super common. we also wanted it to be a cute name for a kid but also a name we could picture as a respectable adult. neither of us like the trendy names that are out there (jaden, brayden, anything that ends in ayden) for our kids so i played around on baby name websites and made lists of boy and girl names i liked. jeremy and i just both really liked the name quentin. plus how cool is "q" as an initial?!?!?! add in joseph as a middle name - after jeremy's grandpop - and there you have it! - after about the 10th time i had to explain to someone that quentin is in fact a legitimate name and not something i made up by playing with refrigerator magnets i decided to scour this fine internet to assemble a more extensive list of existing and recognizable quentins. here are some of the highlights of what i found for "quentin" on wikipedia:

of course none of these people influenced our name choice, but still fun to know some random quentin facts!

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