Tuesday, January 22, 2008

the lemon strikes again

so my jetta and i have had a long and storied history of issues. i named her jaime when i bought her and since then we learned that the jetta is manufactured in mexico and have thus amended her name to be jaime (pronounced in spanish - hi-may) limon due to her utter lemonocity. at this point i think i've spent more on repairs than i paid for the car brand new between the engine-transplant, the window falling into the door, and other assorted problems. don't buy a mexican jetta. my anti-freeze light came on on the way to day care this morning and the car was smoking violently when i arrived. i refilled the coolant reservoir and went on my merry way. it seemed to be fine until the light came back on halfway to work. when i left work this afternoon i went to a gas station and bought another jug of antifreeze and poured it in. that's when i noticed that it was flowing straight through into a puddle under the car. yeah, a leak! so i had to call AAA and get towed to our VW dealership 56 miles away (thank god for AAA premium and their 200 mile free towing!) unfortunately the service department was already closed for the night as was every car rental place not at the airport, so jeremy picked me up. tomorrow i will have to get up with him at 4 a.m. and drive him to the train station. he will pick up the rental at the airport tomorrow night when he gets off work. and who knows how long my car will take to fix since we don't even know what's wrong. sigh. but at least we had 4 showings at the richmond house last week. and abby had her 2nd dose of chemo today and seems to be doing well with it. little victories.

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