Tuesday, March 4, 2008

good color

what the heck does that mean??? we have literally been stopped by no fewer than 10 random people in grocery stores, bowling lanes, etc. and told that quentin is cute and has good color. ???? do other babies have bad color? no color? confused... yesterday's monday real estate update: a couple of more showings. we continue to be consistent there. neighbor's house is still on the market. nothing exciting.


Dr. The Bird Man said...

Good Color = Caucasian. You obviously live in a racist town.
Kidding of course... I'd focus on the cute part of that compliment and just assume the color is some weird Massachusetts/New England thing, like pin bowling.

Leah said...

It's those crazy red cheeks. Also, good color is a lot nicer than, "Damn, lookkit those ears!".