Saturday, April 5, 2008

somebunny to love

on easter quentin wore his bunny suit out and about in williamsburg. jeremy and i had bought the bunny suit from the clearance bin at target after easter last year, before the Q was even born. yes, it's may be cruel, but the pics are so damn cute. several people at williamsburg stopped and asked us if they could take his picture too. he made a lot of people smile :)
it was hard to get a decent photo of him because this was also his first experience with grass. he was enthralled and wanted nothing more than to eat handfuls of the green stuff (like a true bunny, i suppose!)


EG said...

Oh my gosh, you're the parents from A Christmas Story. The crying ones are PRICELESS.

Leah said...

You are one mean momma. The ONLY pics where he looks happy are the grass eating ones. Quentin is never going to have a girlfriend at the rate you are going.