Monday, May 5, 2008

houston, we have molars

after weeks of gnawing, a molar on the top left side of quentin's mouth has cut through. at least i think it did. i am pretty sure i felt it, but he just refuses to let anyone look in his mouth. i'm sure others will be quick to follow. probably explains the delightful night we had last night. Q woke up screaming at 12:30 in the morning. nothing could console him - not tylenol, motrin, formula, pedialyte, or rocking. the meds eventually kicked in but then he decided it was play time. he went back down around 3:30. of course jeremy and i both have to get up in the 5 o'clock hour so needless to say we were a bit tired today. quentin of course was unfazed and had a delightful day at day care. quick monday real estate update... two more showings last week after the most recent and final price drop on the house. the dude is still planning on renting the place for part of may and june - the contract will hopefully be signed this week. now it's time for bed, because if history repeats itself, i will be back up in a couple of hours. jeremy is on call so i going it solo tonight.

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