Monday, August 18, 2008


so we have this town "beach" - it's a pond. we don't have a pool and it's not worth driving to the ocean for the 20 minutes Q will tolerate it, so the pond works just fine. we went yesterday and he had a grand ol' time. he even went in the water up to his shoulders until every kid's least favorite words were yelled out by the lifeguards ("adult swim, all kids out of the water!") after getting booted from the pond, Q checked out some sort of tag-game some bigger kids were playing. several "big boys" (i.e. 5 year olds) came over to see Q and deemed, in their expert opinions, that quentin is big for 1 year old and isn't ready to walk on sand. brilliant.

1 comment:

EG said...

They have "adult swim" in a pond?!