Sunday, August 10, 2008

oh boy. we're alll beat.

quentin is officially a toddler. the switch from crawling to walking as primary mode of transportation is occurring. and he is all over the place. you can't keep up with him. he's everywhere, and in to everything! we've started calling him "the tornado" because he just leaves a path of destruction everywhere he goes. he loves to pull my cook books off the shelf in the kitchen (southern living annual recipes 2003 is his fave.) there are toys EVERYWHERE in our house. he broke a pig statue in our living room. anything on a shelf that he can reach is toast. and he wears himself out too. we used to put him down to bed at 9ish and he would stay away playing and jumping in his crib for a little while. lately he's passed out around 8:15. and he's napping like crazy! i think a growth spurt is coming!!!

1 comment:

EG said...

I know Q didn't move rooms in his daycare, but when Little Man moved to the toddler room after his 1st birthday he needed like 3 hours more sleep than he had before. I figure if you compensate for the length of his legs, he walks many miles per day.