Monday, September 1, 2008

One fish two fish red fish blue fish

Yesterday we took a family outing to the New England Aquarium on Boston Harbor. Quentin loved everything from the train ride, the penguins, sea lions, big fishies, jellyfish, and the sharks. The aquarium has a huge tank in the middle with a walkway that spirals around. We found a vacant window and just let him watch the fishies and sharks swim by. He loved it! He also really liked the jellyfish, I think their long tentacles looked like fun toys that he had to have. He was also a very good boy in the Imax theatre where he "saw" his first movie, "Sharks 3D." He was super fussy before we went in and I was about to bail but mommy had faith. He was amazed with the big screen for about 10 minutes and then fell asleep. Overall we had a great time.

1 comment:

Leah said...

I am seriously disappointed in the lack of penguins in this post.