Monday, December 1, 2008

first appointment

my first appointment took forever, but went well. mass general does not do ultrasounds until 18-20 weeks - weird. but we did the whole medical history, physical exam, etc, as well as the pee in a cup, step on the scale, and check my blood pressure thing that will be the regular routine. blood pressure is good so far - yeah! doctor said i'm measuring big based on the physical exam. she tried to get the heartbeat with the doppler thingy but couldn't (usually can't until 10 or 11 weeks.) so now she wants to do an ultrasound on friday to get a better due date reading. so i go back for a second time this week. ugh - they also took 8 vials of blood. but fortunately the blood guy listened to me about my trusty hand vein being way better than my arm veins so it went relatively painlessly.

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