Friday, February 13, 2009


quentin had quite a christmas. he got to go to grandma and grandpa's house and stay there with 8 people and 7-8 dogs 9 (oh and a malfunctioning toilet and a broken vacuum cleaner.) quentin's cousin calder was visiting from chicago so they got to see each other again and play. there were matching christmas eve pajamas and matching christmas day outfits for the boys. very cute. quentin discovered a love of black olives matched only by his mother. i am so proud. he also didn't care about presents at all. in fact, he went down for a nap in the middle of the crazy present-opening chaos. i somehow managed to not take any pictures the whole time we were there so these are some that my sister took. you can also read her account of the festivities here. note: i also tried to copy some photos that my mom and sister took off of snapfish, but now they charge you 25 cents to save a copy of a photo someone sent you. stupid snapfish. that's ridiculous.

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