Wednesday, April 29, 2009

diy puzzle storage

quentin has accumulated a little puzzle collection. and he even enjoys doing the puzzles, but most of all he enjoys dumping the pieces all over the place and then transporting them everywhere - the kitchen, the bathroom, the car, etc. pieces are under every piece of furniture and every night we go on a puzzle piece scavenger hunt once Q has gone to bed to put them all back together again. - i decided that a puzzle rack to be placed in his confined cellar playland was just the thing we needed. this one from melissa & doug is super-cute but costs between $30-40 AND apparently doesn't even fit most melissa & doug puzzles. so i made my own using a ton of zip ties and leftover pieces of the shelves that we used to construct playland in the first place. -
plus it's expandable!


Sarah said...

You are so creative!! Love the new pics of Q on the coffee table :) How's sabatacle going?

kiwi said...

awww thanks :)

everything is going well, enjoying my time with Q, getting a lot done. and you know how much i love to cross things off a to-do list :)

i could so get used to this unemployment thing if but for the lack of income :)

Unknown said...

this is awesome, can we get more details on how to?