Tuesday, July 21, 2009

4 weeks old!

caroline is 4 weeks old already! she went to the doctor today. here are her stats:
  • length = 21.25 inches (64th percentile)
  • weight = 8 pounds, 13 ounces (44th percentile)
  • head circumference = 37.3 cm (63rd percentile)

not surprising because she looks like a long, lean string bean. she'll be going to the hospital for a repeat EKG at some point just to verify that everything is indeed ok with her heart (no reason to believe otherwise.) she's still eating like a champ - yeah! she's also been stringing together 5ish hours of sleep at night and actually slept for 2 whole hours in the bassinet last night.


EG said...

THAT is a cute outfit!

So where does she sleep for the rest of the hours? We're having a similar problem where Sam won't sleep on his back - he wants to be more cradled. We had him sleeping in his bouncy seat but he can wiggle enough that he gets in positions that may not be super-safe for sleeping. So last night he slept in his carseat.

kiwi said...

she divides her sleeping time between the swing, the car seat, and laying on one of us. we keep trying the bassinet but she's just not a fan. neither was quentin and he's a great sleeper now, so i'm not worried! we figure that sleep is too important (for all of us!) to force the issue with the bassinet!