Thursday, July 2, 2009

potty training

quentin is not at all interested - he doesn't mind dirty diapers and doesn't even tell us when he needs to be changed - but we want to help speed things along. step #1 is to buy a potty. we're not sure if we should get a stand-alone potty or the kind you put on the regular toilet. - any suggestions from those who have started / completed this process?


Leah said...

We have the Baby Bjorn potty. It's a stand alone dealie. Calder seems to enjoy it. As a novelty only of course.

crankymommy said...

The bjorn is a good one, and the standalone is much less intimidating for kids than the grownup potty. A word of warning - E first showed interest in the potty at 18 months, so I bought her a potty... and now OVER A YEAR LATER she is finally potty trained.

Good luck! Let me know if you'd like some more tips...

KBard said...

I saw this once and thought it would be a good conversational piece.

kiwi said...

the bjorn it is! that seems to be the most popular one. i have no expectations for a quick training. Q doesn't care. he doesn't have words for pee and poop. he is perfectly content to wallow in his own filth. we're betting that caroline will be potty trained before Q is!

Kimberly said...

I, too, vote for the Baby Bjorn. We tried one other and it was so small that he had to make a choice between pee or poop and move his butt accordingly.

It took us well over a year to potty train Benji. It was a case of mind over matter. At three and a half he finally decided to tell reliably -- after we told him he couldn't go to camp unless he could go to the bathroom on his own. Camp sounded like such fun that he finished training in a week.