Thursday, August 27, 2009


there's this blueberry farm down the street from our house. we drive by it several times a day and have lived here for 3 blueberry seasons. yet we had never been. today is a gorgeous day so we decided to check it out. good thing we did, because we learned that tomorrow is the last day they will be open for the season. - we figured that Q would like it considering how much he loves collecting items in buckets (easter eggs, pine cones, rocks, etc.) he got his own kiddie-sized blueberry bucket and we were off. once he realized that he could eat the berries, he didn't just like it, he freaking loved it. he picked a lot of berries, yet his bucket was mysteriously empty. maybe because they all got eaten! he was extremely well-behaved. we got an hour of fun, some wicked cute pics, and a big bag of blueberries for $3. so worth it! - i apologize for the ridiculous number of photos - they are all so cute that i can't pick my favorites. -


Jeff said...

An Eagles hat and Spider-Man t-shirt? Quentin, you totally rock.

EG said...

That level of cuteness hurts me. The bucket around the neck and the pictures of him shoving berries in his mouth. Adorable.

Carey said...

Love the pictures! Duane likes blueberries now, I could totally see him eating them all and having none left in his bucket.