Sunday, September 27, 2009


we've been trying to go apple picking for a few weeks now, but quentin's need to nap and rain have gotten in our way. finally the stars aligned yesterday and we were able to get there on a beautiful day, prior to nap time. the place was a mad house - there was an enormous line to wait in to buy your bags. and we were lucky - it was even longer by the time we were done and heading home. - quentin loved it. "aaaaaaaahpool" is one of his favorite words so he was pointing them out everywhere. picking them off the tree was ok for him, but he really liked picking them off the ground and putting them in our bags. we just put what he gave us in and tossed the bad ground apples when he wasn't watching. he munched on an apple the entire time. -
as always, caroline enjoyed herself :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SOOO CUTE! i was thinking, "hmm, she's talking about pools in the subject line" and then started laughing as soon as i read the post. i love it :-) i don't know what's cuter, quentin picking apples or caroline totally sacked out!

we are going apple picking in a few weeks and the girls are already talking about it!