Thursday, October 29, 2009

one-upping her brother

it took over two years for us to have to take Q to the ER. caroline did it in only 4 months. over-achiever?? - once again, jeremy is on call so i got to deal with it solo. i tucked Q in, fed the dogs, and thought to myself, "hey! i made through another solo day." figured i would feed caroline one last time, tuck her in for the night, and then flop on the couch to watch some baseball. - i picked her up from her swing and she started crying this really weird cry, like nothing i've ever heard before. she was also panting and doing this weird breath-holding thing. and she was burning up. - i raced upstairs for the thermometer, and sure enough... 102. her breathing was so awkward and irregular so i was super panicked with all the nasty bugs going around. - called the pediatrician, paged jeremy, and called in for back-up Q-care. the doctor had us give her some tylenol and sit with her in the bathroom with the hot shower running for 20 minutes. after that her breathing was better, but she was still doing the breath-holding and was coughing more. because of that, he wanted her to go into an ER to be seen. - we went to jeremy's hospital and he called in back-up so he could come down and join us. of course as soon as we were there she made me look like a loony because she had no fever, was breathing fine, and was all-around happy and smiley. she still had the croup-sounding stuff when she sneezed or cried, so they gave her some steroids and sent us on our way. - now we're back home and she's sleeping happily. so much for my nice, relaxing evening!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad she is doing okay...that has to be scary especially when you are alone with the kids. you did the right thing :-)