Tuesday, December 15, 2009

mama's boy

i don't consider quentin to be a mama's boy at all. if anything, he's a daddy's boy - he loves it when daddy picks him up from day care etc. - but in the mornings, he is a total mama's boy. he'll play in his room semi-quietly for a while after he wakes up. given that this generally begins around 5 a.m. we/i desperately want to keep sleeping, so we try to ignore it as long as we can, hoping he'll magically decide to go back to sleep (never has, but we can dream, right?) after a little while, he's ready to get out of there. so we/i hear over the baby monitor: -
"momma! momma! momma! momma!"
"momma! momma! momma! momma!"
"momma! momma! momma! momma!"
"momma! momma! momma! momma!"

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