Thursday, December 10, 2009

short stories

quentin has started counting. except that he skips most of the numbers. one, two, fie, sicks, seben, ine. -
- the boy loves his juice. the thing is we dilute it like crazy. in each sippy cup he gets just a splash of juice, not even a full grown-up size sip. but if you try to pass off a cup of water as juice, he knows. and he will hand it back to you, firmly saying, "NO." -
- if he doesn't like what is on the TV (like when the tivo has the audacity to try to record a grown-up show) or when the TV is off and he wants it on, quentin will shove the remote in your hand and state his demand, usually, "bish" or "trucks" or "melmo" or "woo wooooood" (word world.) -
- "broken" is one of his favorite words. he will show you every single teddy graham or goldfish cracker that is missing a body part, holding it up and announcing, "broken." he then puts it out of its misery. -
- he also loves the concept of "big" these days. if holding two pine cones, he will show you the larger one and say, "big." this morning he was obsessed with the giant cartoon goldfish on the pepperidge farm box. -
- he LOVES all the christmas decorations on people's houses. as we drive by each and every house with christmas displays we hear, "ooooooooooooh. yights. yights on owse." (lights on house, if you aren't fluent in toddler.) maybe we should put up a tree this year?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness, these cracked me up :-) i loved the broken fish/teddy graham story as my girls are the reverse...will not eat broken ones. So funny.

thank you for the laughs!