Saturday, February 13, 2010

We Found a Pulse

Many 2.5 year olds are potty training or a last showing interest in potty training. Quentin, not so much. A Huggie full of crap does not slow him down. We read an article about signs your child is ready for potty training. They gave a list of 5 things, Quentin was not doing any of them. We've had a little plastic potty for awhile and I tried to get him to use but he just wasn't interested. We recently got one that you can put on the big pot, but we hadn't used it yet. Anywho, after deciding to wear his dinner again, I gave him a tub and afterwards decided I would put him on the little potty that goes on the big potty. He was sitting up there all comfortable and then he starts straining and the next thing I know he's peeing! I was so excited for him and you could tell he was really proud of himself. He now loves going to the potty. I am hoping this means that he'll be potty trained before his sister!

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