Tuesday, March 16, 2010


caroline and i picked quentin up at daycare today and stopped by target (gargit in Q-speak, now one of his favorite destinations since he has come to know it as the infinite source of hotwheels monster trucks) on the way home. caroline was in her carrier in the base of the cart and Q was sitting in the kiddie seat up front. while i was perusing the cleaning products, he was amusing himself by petting his sister on the head. a couple of women walked by in the other direction as quentin declared, "hi ditder. you cute." i heard one of the ladies say to the other, as she grinned at my babies, that they totally made her day. mine too random gargit shopper. mine too.


EG said...

That's adorable!

So, parenting advice needed. Is there a special toy or snack for Q every time you go to Gargit? I mean, a Matchbox Car is only $0.87, but I don't really want Will to think that there are toys (or Cars fruit snacks) every time we go to the store. So I've stopped taking him. What do you do?

Leah said...

EG, single serve chocolate milk. It's my bribery tool of choice. Though Calder does't go to Target much anymore since that place is his complete undoing.

kiwi said...

yeah, we're definitely treading in dark territory. he doesn't get a car or truck every time, but i think he is starting to expect them. sometimes i just make a big deal about letting him hold something i am buying "like a big boy" and he seems to be very proud of that. i generally only resort to the truck if i want to browse more stuff rather than just a quick trip in and out.