Wednesday, March 31, 2010

guess who's back, back again

some drama/trauma this time around. yesterday morning, halfway in to this latest monstrosity, jeremy went down cellar to see if we were still dry. big time no. not only was water seeping in from several small area in the foundation, it was also pouring in from under the bulkhead door (home to one of the two permanently-installed and currently overworked sump pumps.) the sump pump was not operating at 100% (probably since it has been running non-stop every 15 seconds for the past month) and it was getting overwhelmed. so lucky jeremy looked when he did because we probably would have completely lost the cellar within a matter of an hour or two. in addition to the two sump pumps in the cellar, we were also running 2 more outside submerged in the puddle spitting water into the road. jeremy moved one of them in to assist the tired pump, so we rode out the rest of the storm with 3 pumps in the cellar and one in the puddle. we also ordered a new big-ass pump online. it should be here friday to get rid of the puddle again - hopefully the final time this year.

1 comment:

Leah said...

You should probably include all those pumps as a feature when you sell the house.