Sunday, May 9, 2010


we were. the boston children's museum has $1 fridays, where it costs, you guessed it, $1 to get in from 5-9 p.m. our membership expired a while ago, but there's a curious george exhibit right now and Q is absolutely obsessed with george. we figured even if it was a big fail, we were only out $3. we picked Q up at daycare and headed in. he had not napped at linda's and fell asleep in the car. he was still tired at the museum. he had fun, but he was a very subdued version of himself.
caroline has a blast in the crawlers-only room. pickle met her new friend marcela who has the same birthday as her. marcela was born at the brigham though, so they weren't in the same hospital.
the verdict: worth $3. will probably do again, even if it costs $4 when caroline turns 1.


Leah said...

We can take them all to the museums at the Quadrangle when we are there on my Field membership. Doubt we'd drive out to Boston after coming all the way from Chicago though.

EG said...

2 questions:

1. What is Ruqreus?
2. What is Boston Black?

I wish Will became a subdued version of himself when he's tired. He becomes a nightmare. And if he's hungry? Forget about it!

kiwi said...

1. it got jeremy too - it's "are you curious?" :)

2. boston black is a section of the children's museum to learn about cultural diversity. from the museum's website: "This exhibition is a dialogue about race, ethnicity, identity, and community. It’s designed to highlight the tremendous diversity within Boston’s Black community, share the significant history of Black people in the city, and stimulate new ways for families with young children to talk about race and identity. Packed with fun and imaginative interactive experiences, the exhibit takes us through a number of Boston’s neighborhoods. Visit a Carnival garage for a traditional Afro Caribbean celebration and help to decorate a float; go shopping at the Dominican store; learn about different hairstyles and ideas of beauty at John Smith’s Barbershop and African Queen Beauty Salon; dance to the Cape Verdean beat at CafĂ© Sodade. As we explore the community, we ultimately understand more about ourselves."

Q is normally unbearable when tired. this was definitely a unique situation and by the end we were getting him to behave by promising him a "chockit nonut" if he was good :)