Thursday, June 17, 2010

there is something going on between those ears

it is so amazing to see quentin's little brain working. he is so aware of things now. he knows several of his books by heart and often launches into quoting them out of the blue. a couple of days ago he was rambling about a hat and i was completely confused because there were no hats anywhere near us. finally i recognized what he was saying. he was reciting from "go, dog. go!" where a couple of dogs meet and have this conversation: "do you like my hat?" "i do not." "good bye." "good bye." then this evening, jeremy and i were discussing a particularly stinky diaper made by caroline by quoting another of Q's favorite books ("naughty naughty kiefer") and quentin busted out with the next couple of lines. - he remembers songs now too, and tries to sing along. i have a wiggles CD in the car and he demands to listen to it on every trip (guess the kids grow tired of news radio.) it is so precious to watch him rock out to "hot potato" and mangle the lyrics to the rest of the songs.

1 comment:

Leah said...

I make Calder listen to NPR all the time. I just tell him it's "stories"