Thursday, August 12, 2010


all of the craziness with us temporarily living in different states with various family and friends is hard on us all, but i think quentin is struggling the most. - he keeps asking to go home ("mommy's home, not grandma's home.") we keep telling him that we are staying at grandma's for a little while and then moving to a new house. he definitely has internalized that because he will say, "new house! near lilly! play trains!" but he's still sad. - a few days ago i was reading him a bedtime story. it was a backyardigans book where uniqua is frustrated because she wants to discover something no one's ever discovered before but keeps losing out. Q has become very aware of emotions and pointed to uniqua and noted that she was sad. i asked him why she was sad and he said, "she wants to go home." - then yesterday, i overheard him on the baby monitor as he was waking up from his nap saying, "i don't want to move away. i don't want to move away." and when i went in there to hug him tight, he asked me to see the boys. he heard kids playing in the neighborhood outside and he wanted to play with them. i asked him if he missed his friends and he said yes. - it's breaking my heart :(

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