Tuesday, October 5, 2010

first day of school

yesterday, quentin and caroline went to their new school for the first time. Q wasn't too excited about it until i kept stressing that there would be kids to play with. pickle jumped right in. there were some classmates eating breakfast at the table, so being the chow hound that she is, she climbed right up and beckoned for her meal. she was so busy stuffing banana and yogurt in her face that she didn't even notice i left. Q didn't transition in quite as well, but did fine nonetheless. he was not amused with the new sippy cups i got him and didn't want to drink his yogurt thing. but when i walked over to check on them around 11, he was outside with his class, running and shrieking up a storm. the director said they both did very well, so that's good. the whole car ride home last night quentin just kept talking about circle time and his new friend andrew. his teacher told me that andrew is polish and doesn't really speak english well yet. i laughed and said, "neither does quentin."

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