Thursday, October 28, 2010

toddlers on parade

daycare had their halloween parade today. well, it started off as a parade at least. it then morphed into a swarm of parents and grandparents armed with cameras surrounding the kids. but it was full of cuteness no matter what you call it. caroline's class rode in the mega strollers. her teacher told me she was doing the miss america wave the whole time. my beauty queen in training. i know i am biased, but she was the cutest duckie there.
quentin actually wore his costume, including the head part, which is impressive given how much he resisted costuming last year. and he too was wicked cute as nemo.
Q and his class. batgirl is one of the two girls in his class.
the after-party. quack.
face wound is looking lots better!

1 comment:

EG said...

The TIGHTS! Killing us with cuteness!

We have that Nemo costume, but in 12 month size.