Monday, January 31, 2011

Information retention

In short, Quentin is getting too good at it.  He hears and remembers EVERYTHING.


A few weeks ago, Jeremy and I were watching Tosh.0 (Comedy Central show where comedian plays funny YouTube videos and we all laugh) on TV while the kids played.  There was a clip of a boxer who big-time hurled while being proclaimed the winner of a bout.  Q saw it.  Thought it was hysterical.  He could relate, having gotten sick in the driveway a few months ago.  And ever since, he been saying repeatedly, "He sick. He no go to the potty."


He knows his monster truck videos by heart, including the commercials that air on the ones we recorded from TV.  He also can name just about every monster truck, and is working on being able to name the drivers too.


And a while ago, he noticed that I have a giant scab on my elbow.  He asked me, "Mommy, how you get boo boo?"  And I stupidly told him the truth.  Mommy fell down at the airport.  (Yeah, not something I am proud of.  After deplaning in Philadelphia a few weeks ago, I was walking towards baggage claim and wiped out on the super-slippery floors.  This was not a simple stumble.  This was a big-time slo-mo, arms flailing, bags flying catastrophe.  I felt my shoe start to slip and I tried to steady myself, but I failed miserably.  I went flying forward, getting tangled in my luggage and smacked the floor.  HARD.  Like I didn't just slip and get a little squirrely.  This was full-out laying face-down on the floor.  Both my knees hurt so bad I could barely get up, the friction from thwacking the floor melted whatever synthetic material my pants were made of, and I scraped my elbow somehow.  My knees still hurt two weeks later.  And of course this is in a busy airport so there were like a million people that saw the whole calamity.  One lady did come over to make sure I was ok and help me up.  But the rest just stared, and probably laughed at me.  I bet it was funny to watch.  I totally would have laughed.  Hopefully no one happened to catch it on camera.  Note to self: check YouTube for crazy falling lady at airport.)  But anyway, so he noticed my boo boo right after it happened and we have not discussed it since.  This morning, his teacher asked him if he had a good weekend and he replied, "Yes!  Mommy fell down at the airport!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was so funny...and sad because i felt badly for you :-) But he'll probably STILL remember it years from now. This weekend, Jordan (who is 4 1/2) started telling us about the time she fell in the potty (she was 2 1/2). She remembered every detail from "daddy letting go" to what she was wearing and what got wet. Yeah...they never ever forget!!!