Friday, January 14, 2011


Quentin is on day 6 of wearing underpants during waking hours (pull-ups for naps and overnight) with no accidents!  He is very, very good about going pee on the potty.  School even taught him to pee standing up.  We have not managed a poop yet though.  He is now in the middle of his 2nd consecutive 3-day poop strike.  He does NOT want to go on the potty, nor does he want to go in his underpants.  So he holds it.  He held it all day Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday and finally pooped while sleeping Tuesday night.  It's now Friday, so he has got to have to go again.  But no amount of bribery or praise seems to motivate him.  We have upped the ante and said he can have 2, even 3, trucks for going poop on the potty.  Daddy even mumbles that he can have the whole darn box of trucks if he goes, but he's just not interested.  Oh well.  We will just enjoy the underpants success for now!


Anonymous said...

You are back!!! I was missing your blog! We are putting G in underpants this weekend because i have been in denial that my baby (almost 3) is ready. Jordan refused to do the potty-poop for 6 months...she held it for a few days then would ask for a pull-up. And apparently this is normal. But now, a few years later, she's consistent and only goes in the potty :-)

Leah said...

Yay, underpants!