Thursday, May 19, 2011

cuddles are too important

after a brief day of potty pooping success a while ago, Q has reverted back to stubbornly refusing to even sit on the toilet. we have been losing patience and have started taking things away from him if he won't try to go. we started by taking away YouTube at bedtime. we used to let him watch 3 videos before bed. but he didn't seem to miss that at all. so tonight, we decided to take away cuddles. ever since we moved here, he has insisted that one if us lay in his bed with him and cuddle until he falls asleep. he refused to sit on the potty so we tucked him in and left. i waited outside his door. a few moments later he tried busting out. unfortunately for him it's very humid so his door stuck. through the door, he meekly agreed to sit on the potty in exchange for mommy cuddles. in the battle of cuddles versus potty-sitting, cuddles wins.

1 comment:

EG said...

Ooh, that sounds like torture for everyone! You are serious.