Wednesday, May 4, 2011

follow me!

there's this obnoxious radio ad we hear in the car all the time for forman mills, a local discount department store.  it's one of those really loud, shouting ads with the announcer using his best growly, wrestling-match-promoter slash furniture-store-going-out-of-business voice… "designer men's shoes ten dollars, ladies' hats five dollars, and kids' socks just one dollar!"


Q loves this commercial.  he giggles when it comes on.  over the course of the commercial, the announcer probably shouts, "forman mills!" about fifteen times.  Q mimics the guy each time, but he thinks that the dude is saying, "follow me!"


so even when we are not in the car, like if we are out for a walk or if Q is standing on something tall, he will shout, "follow me!"

1 comment:

Leah said...

He did that to me in NC so I answered with "Follow me if you want to live!" Nothing like confusing three year olds with Terminator jokes.