Tuesday, May 3, 2011

red light, green light

Q is big-time obsessed with traffic lights these days.  he announces the color of every single traffic light we encounter (and on a 45-minute each way commute, that's a lot.)  but not only does he announce the color of each light, he also tells me what to do (even if i am not the one driving,) "red light, mommy. stop."  "green light, mommy. go."  but the thing is, he doesn't realize that traffic does not work exactly like the red light green light game.  because when the light is red, he wants me to stop immediately rather than pull up behind the line of cars.  and when the light turns green, he reprimands me over and over, "green, mommy, GO. GO" even when the cars in front of me haven't started moving yet.

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