Tuesday, June 14, 2011

band-aids... for cardboard?

for the past two days Q has been bringing the piece of cardboard packaging from one of his monster truck toys to school (and then back home) each day. he must like it because it has pictures of other trucks in the collection on the back of it. you would think it was a prized possession based on how he treats it. he flipped out when we almost left it in his cubby tonight.

so we were in the parking garage heading to the car today and he was not listening and running ahead of me. he tripped and wiped out, scraping both knees and an elbow. the cardboard was somehow collateral damage in this fall and ending up with a couple of tiny specs of blood on it.

in the car i was cleaning his scrapes with a wet-one and he was crying about needing band-aids. he noticed the blood on the cardboard and insisted that his trucks needed band-aids too. riiiiiiiiight.

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