Sunday, June 12, 2011

iron pigs!

today we took a day trip out to allentown to see the lehigh valley iron pigs, the aaa affiliate of our very own phillies. we went with the norcross gang, and with 4 kids under 4, it's a miracle we did not get kicked out of the place. i may have seen like 15 pitches. otherwise there was always a child to entertain, feed, etc. still fun though! it's a very nice stadium and it was packed, at least compared to what i was used to with the richmond braves!
before anyone starts complaining about the kids' outfits, note the hat.
pickle and an enormous bat. Q would not go near it, in fear it would topple over on him.
sullen Q. how dare you ask me to pose next to this towering death trap??
just hamming it up (get it? iron pigs? yeah. i went there.)
they had a playground. caroline ran right in. it took Q some time to recover from the giant bat episode, but eventually he was the playground maniac we know and love.
showing off his rock wall skills, presumably learned at school, where they have a rock wall in the gym
i think caroline was pushing past kids 2 and 3 times her size to get around the jungle gym.
about to attempt the wiffle ball challenge
best buds
pickle's turn
what a bunch of pigs!
ginny doesn't care. she has corn.
despite sampling most of the available concessions, Q was not happy if he didn't have exactly what lilly had.
caroline ate everything. here she is suckering lilly out of some chips.
awwww. they must love that caroline.
getting ready to run the bases at the end of the game
and they're off!
lilly with a sizable lead
as he approached home plate, i guess Q decided he wasn't ready for it to be over, because he veered across the infield and headed back up the first base line. the staff was there to get him going back in the right direction.
after running the bases, Q kept moping, "i didn't win the race." don't know who he was racing. but it was darn cute,

1 comment:

EG said...

I really can't believe we were in Allentown at the same time. One of my cousins goes to Iron Pigs all the time with her kids!