Tuesday, July 12, 2011

2 year stats

last wednesday, caroline and i dropped Q off at school and then went to the pediatrician for her 2-year check-up.  here are her key stats:


  • head circumference = 47.5 cm ( 56th percentile)
  • height = 32.75 inches ( 17thpercentile)
  • weight = 25.5 pounds ( 48thpercentile)


yup, short like me. she lucked out and didn't get any shots because the office was out of the one vaccine she needed.  she did get the finger stick for a blood test for anemia and lead checks.  the trooper didn't even flinch or cry.  she's meeting and exceeding all her milestones.  caroline was quite happy to show-off her absurd jumping ability and was talking like crazy, impressing the doc.


i think she liked the special trip to the doctor, because every day since then as we are getting out of the car at school she asks to go to the doctor again.  she also told me she wanted another "sticker" (band-aid) for her finger.

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