Friday, July 29, 2011

the art of persuasion

quentin is really honing his negotiation skills. since we have a fancy DVD player in the car, i let them watch a movie on the long commute home from work/school (if they both had a good day at school.) caroline used to just go along with whatever Q wanted, but now she demands a turn to pick so we alternate days. quentin is also currently obsessed with what he calls the "cat movie" - a really bad adaptation of the richard scarry books starring a cat named huckle (who is voiced by toot of "toot and puddle" if you watch a lot of nick jr. - ugh.) whenever it's caroline's turn to pick, quentin will suddenly become all sweet, give his sister a hug, and say in the most syrupy voice possible, "sister, you want to watch the cat movie right? you love the cat movie. that's what you want to watch." but...

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