Tuesday, November 1, 2011

ginny's party

every since Q's birthday, all caroline and quentin could talk about was ginny's party. because her birthday was next. Q is already planning for mine (and inviting people) despite the fact that there are like 5 family members with birthdays before mine (though not in this house) and that it is 3 months away. and i don't really have a party. Q refused to have his picture taken, hence the pickle-palooza. also this batch of photos cemented the fact that i need a better camera because i took a ton and almost none came out even remotely well.


Leah said...

This post needs more pictures of Ginny doing awesome things awesomely.

EG said...

I thought this in your pumpkin patch #2 post as well - Caroline looks different. Maybe it's just her hair getting longer. She still looks like a toddler, I don't think she looks grown, she just looks different. Maybe she's getting her own look! (Cute look, obvs)

kiwi said...

my camera really sucks. every picture i took of gin bug is blurry since she would move before it would finally snap the pic. new camera forthcoming thanks to sizable target gift card obtained by cashing in credit card reward points. thanks capital one.

agreed that pickle is changing. i think it is totally the hair. poor thing has been so bald for so long.