Wednesday, January 18, 2012

do you like my hat?

my department ran a mock horse racing event at work last november to raise money for charity. you could buy horses and that gave you naming rights. i bought 3 and named them: sweet carenine (how pickle says her name), gravedigger, and rucky ducky (our household's word for rubber ducky.) there was also a hat contest. i decided to design my hat after my horses. i hot glued some glitter ornaments and sweet neil diamond stuff to it, and sewed a couple of Q's gravediggers on (couldn't glue them - he'd never forgive me!) despite the awesome hat, my horses didn't win.
modeled by sweet carenine herself
the title is a reference to "go dog go". i don't really care if you like my hat. also i won the contest, so clearly someone liked my hat. neeners.

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