Sunday, April 8, 2012

roo at the zoo

we received a family membership to the zoo for christmas (thanks aunt becky!) so we decided to finally check it out a couple of weeks ago (been busy, sorry. you should be used to this by now.) the kids were very excited. pickle was especially excited to see "efflents" but unfortunately the elephants moved out a while ago.
ready for action cheetah. this thing could so totally jump out of its enclosure if it really wanted to.
african wild dog
children's zoo
i had to force the kids to stick their heads through, but after this Q became obsessed with these things and wanted me to take his picture on/in every one
checking out the barnyard petting area before entering
getting ready to groom the sheep. that's when the fire alarm started going off and we had to vacate children's zoo. we never made it back. sorry children's zoo, you're just not as cool as crocs.
an eagle with an eagle
it was peacock mating time so the boys were strutting their stuff. it was awesome. i love peacocks.
the view from behind
maybe this lady is interested?
the kids loved these baby jaguars (and not because of dora and diego.) they were very playful, chasing each other around the enclosure.

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