Tuesday, April 17, 2012

whip my hair

apparently Q has a new favorite song... his classroom has a smartboard in it and sometimes during freeplay times the teachers will play kids' zumba videos at the request of the kids (mostly the girls) and they all dance. this is Q's favorite. his teacher told me he asks for this one all the time and is always singing the song. but today, for the first time, he actually got brave enough to dance. and his friend temi showed him all the moves. and now he's a dancing machine.


Leah said...

We need to get the boys together so they can whip their hairs backnforf in sync. Cousin boyband!

It's also a dance on Just Dance Kids for wii fyi.

kiwi said...

i will have to get the wii game. Q loves the wii. he can't believe you can play games on the TV.

Leah said...

What does he play? Calder doesn't like the preschool level games that much so he mostly plays New Super Mario Bros which turns him into a little Matt. We need to find some new ones.

kiwi said...

we have toy story mania which is just like the ride/game at disney world and whatever the monster jam game is. Q doesn't play that one, but he makes daddy play it so he can watch.