Monday, June 18, 2012

we lost our best friend today

it's been a rough day.  our bestest beagle buddy bailey crossed the bridge today.  we only wish we got to say goodbye.  but we will never forget our little butter bean.  june 8th, 2000 - we were only supposed to be looking at the puppies but came home with bailey.  (seriously - who can "just look" at beagle puppies??)  our first baby who took it all in stride. six different apartments and houses in 3 different states.  the addition of dog after dog.  and then hedgehog and cat.  even the addition of the babies which left less attention for him.  but he loved the kids, Q especially, often dissing me to cuddle with him.  he had the sweetest beagle howl and the softest ears.  and he loved to snuggle.  there's a giant bailey-shaped hole in my heart.

bailey beagle 4/18/00 - 6/18/12

1 comment:

EG said...

Sweet puppy that helped make you and Jeremy a family! Sad for you guys.