Thursday, March 14, 2013


so the kids know some bad words. not *really* bad words thank goodness, just things they know they aren't supposed to say. like "stupid", "shut up", and "i'm gonna knock your block off."

they are both quite adept at pointing it out when they hear a "bad word" on the radio or in a movie. even disney movies use a lot of "stupid".

of course, they find such instances to be super duper funny. and awesome. but they know they are not supposed to say bad words.

so pickle has gotten creative...

she often "reads" books, making up a story to match the pictures. quite often, the characters in the story use "bad words" in speaking with the other characters. she will always pause the storytelling to assure me that *she* didn't say the bad word; it was the guy in the story.

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